Results for 'Sarrión Esteve Joaquín'

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    Crítica de libros. [REVIEW]Marta García-Alonso, Jaime De Salas, Héctor Vizcaíno Rebertos, Aarón Vázquez Peñas, Francisco José Blanco Brotons, Carmen Herrando, Alfredo Esteve, José A. Zamora, José Sarrión Andaluz, María G. Navarro & Asunción Oliva Portolés - 2016 - Isegoría 54:307-362.
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    Aviadores en el desierto. Aventura y viaje del capitán Rafael Martínez Esteve en el Ḥamad jordano-iraquí (1926).Joaquín Mª Córdoba - 2005 - Arbor 180 (711/712):913-936.
    A comienzos del siglo XX, cuando el redescubrimiento de Oriente se había trocado en su colonización tras la I Guerra Mundial, la poesía del viaje y el reencuentro con gentes y paisajes parecían ya imposibles. De hecho, la literatura «clásica» del viaje a Oriente estaba ya más que acabada. Sin embargo, un accidente de la historia de la aviación española haría que el capitán Rafael Martínez Esteve, integrante de la patrulla que emprendió el viaje Madrid-Manila, viviera una trágica aventura (...)
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    Emotion drives attention: detecting the snake in the grass.Arne Öhman, Anders Flykt & Francisco Esteves - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (3):466.
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  4. Los agustinos en Fraga (1382-1836).Joaquín Salleras Clarió - 2008 - Revista Agustiniana 49 (150):927-976.
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  5. El valor del gesto= The value of the gesture.Joaquín Hinojosa, Nuria Espert, Peter Brook, Edward Albee & José Monleón Bennacer - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:31-34.
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    Marcela Coria, Luis Esteban Hernández, Santiago Hernández Aparicio, Pedro Kóbila.Joaquín Lanza - 2023 - Argos 47:e0041.
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  7. Crisis: Husserl and Bergson.Joaquin Xirau - 1946 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 27 (3):269.
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    The Neuroscience of Freedom and Creativity: Our Predictive Brain.Joaquin M. Fuster - 2013 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Joaquín M. Fuster is an eminent cognitive neuroscientist whose research over the last five decades has made fundamental contributions to our understanding of the neural structures underlying cognition and behaviour. This book provides his view on the eternal question of whether we have free will. Based on his seminal work on the functions of the prefrontal cortex in decision-making, planning, creativity, working memory, and language, Professor Fuster argues that the liberty or freedom to choose between alternatives is a function (...)
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    Inducing semantic relations from conceptual spaces: A data-driven approach to plausible reasoning.Joaquín Derrac & Steven Schockaert - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 228 (C):66-94.
  10. Necrología: Manuel Ocaña Jiménez (1914-1990).Joaquín Vallvé Bermejo - 1990 - Al-Qantara 11 (2):535-548.
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  11. Kant's Theories of Geometry.Julio Esteves - 2008 - In Valerio Hrsg v. Rohden, Ricardo Terra & Guido Almeida (eds.), Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants. de Gruyter. pp. 1--173.
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    Reformismo dictadura federalismo: articulos publicados en Cultura obrera, de Nueva York, en 1922.Pedro Esteve - 1922 - Nueva York: Cultura Obrera.
    Curso evolutivo -- Anacronismo fehaciente -- La dictadura -- El Estado -- Federalismo -- Evolucion verdadera -- Cataclismo social -- Nuestra labor.
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  13. Sócrates, Trasímaco y el argumento de la banda de ladrones.Joaquín Meabe - 2009 - A Parte Rei 63:1.
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    El trasfondo mítico de la razón.José Sarrión Cayuela - 2013 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 40:335-347.
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    Razón intercultural y lectura del Evangelio.José Sarrión Cayuela - 2015 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 42 (1):257-272.
    El esfuerzo de relacionar la situación social, política, económica y cultural del inicio del siglo XXI desde ámbitos de una racionalidad intercultural con los valores que emanan del Evangelio lleva a cuestionarnos realidades muy duras de nuestra sociedad actual. Nuestro mundo muestra de una forma evidente que vive en una situación de hechos inde-seables. Así nace una rueda de guerras que anuncian la intención de ser la última de ellas para generar más tarde otra guerra. Y ningún ser humano puede (...)
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  16. Textos bíblicos dudosos en el tratado De veritate fidei christianae (III) de Vives.Joaquín Beltrán Serra - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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    Sobre si es posible una filosofía política del 15M. Una tesis y algunas hipótesis provisionales.Joaquín Valdivielso - 2012 - Astrolabio 13:471-480.
    Aún a falta de la imprescindible perspectiva temporal, se presentan aquí (1) una tesis sobre el movimiento 15M en su fase inicial de las acampadas: su discurso político en su fase de emergencia es un republicanismo cívico democrático de marca blanca sin referencias teóricas o filosóficas; y (2) varias hipótesis: se trata de un fenómeno político en sentido fuerte, producto del civismo bienestarista, sin conexión con movimientos sociales alternativos y sus ideologías, con una concepción novedosa de sí mismo como sujeto, (...)
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    Descartes y el idealismo subjetivista moderno.Joaquín Xirau - 1927 - Barcelona,: Universidad de Barcelona, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
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    Temas de estética y de historia de la música: con textos de numerosísimos autores de diferentes épocas.Joaquín Zamacois - 1975 - Barcelona: Labor.
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    (1 other version)Thematic Files-the reception of euclid's elements during the middle ages and the renaissance-the euclidian theory of proportions in Pietro mengoli's geometriae speciosae elementa of 1659.Maria Rosa Massa Esteve - 2003 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 56 (2):457-474.
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    The role of symbolic language in the transformation of mathematics.Massa Esteve & Maria Rosa - 2012 - Philosophica 87 (4).
  22.  32
    Habermas and Modernity.Joaquin Zuniga - 1989 - Noûs 23 (2):272-274.
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    Bayesianism and the Idea of Scientific Rationality.Jeremiah Joven Joaquin - 2017 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 17 (1):33-43.
    Bayesianism has been dubbed as the most adequate and successful theory of scientific rationality. Its success mainly lies in its ability to combine two mutually exclusive elements involved in the process of theory-selection in science, viz.: the subjective and objective elements. My aim in this paper is to explain and evaluate Bayesianism’s account of scientific rationality by contrasting it with two other accounts.
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  24. Inscripción de obras ilegales prescritas (resoluciones de la DGRN de 17 de enero y 5 de marzo de 2012). Anexo sobre inscripción registral de las obras antiguas prescritas tras el RD Ley 8/2011: Resumen y comentarios por Joaquín Delgado Ramos. [REVIEW]Joaquín Delgado Ramos - 2012 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:100 - 117.
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    The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays.Joaquin Zuniga - 1991 - Noûs 25 (1):139-142.
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  26. Gripaldo and Mabaquiao on Filipino Philosophy: A Critical Assessment of Two Attempts to Establish a Filipino Philosophy.Jeremiah Joven Joaquin - 2010 - Dalumat 1 (1).
    In this essay, I would like to look at two particular attempts of developing a preliminary question that paves the way for establishing a Filipino Philosophy: viz. Rolando Gripaldo’s Historian of Philosophy approach and Napoleon Mabaquiao’s Strict Discipline approach. The former envisages that the first question that needs to be considered in the discussion of Filipino Philosophy must be taken from the perspective of a scholar of the history of philosophy. The latter’s procedure is to take what academic philosophers deem (...)
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    Frank Jackson on Mind, Language, and Morality.Jeremiah Joven Joaquin - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (1-2):204-220.
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    As críticas ao utilitarismo por rawls.Júlio Esteves - 2002 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 1 (1):81-96.
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    (1 other version)Did Kant have to combine thesis and antithesis of the third antinomy in 'Kritik der reinen Vernunft'.Julio C. R. Esteves - 2004 - Kant Studien 95 (2):146-170.
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    Depressão numa contextualização contemporânea.Fernanda Cavalcante Esteves & Alda Luiza Galvan - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 24:127-135.
  31. Kant, Chomsky e Rawls: sobre o método de A Theory of Justice: Série 2 / Kant, Chomsky and Rawls: on the Method of A Theory of Justice.Julio Esteves - 2010 - Kant E-Prints 5:66-92.
    The aim of this paper is to critically examine Rawls’ discussions of the method of a moral theory spread through his book A Theory of Justice. First, Kant’s reasons for rejecting the attempt to employ in philosophy a method inspired in mathematics, respectively, in geometry are considered. This provides a basis for rejecting the interpretation given by Maria Carolina and Zeljko Loparic, according to which Rawls would have allegedly followed Kant’s indications, and applied methodological developments of the Greek geometry to (...)
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    La chose juridique, éléments d'introduction générale à l'étude du droit.Jacques Estève - 1936 - Paris,: Recueil Sirey; [etc., etc.].
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  33. Ontología y política postmodernas.Joaquín Fortanet Fernández - 2013 - Astrolabio 14:111-114.
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  34. La búsqueda del fundamento en Avempace.Joaquín Lomba Fuentes - 1997 - Anuario Filosófico 30 (59):593-608.
    According to the muslim faith of Ibn Bâyya (Avempace) and to the aristotelism and neoplatonism of his philosophy, this andalusian author in all his works asks for the first grounds of all reality and being. And Ibn Bâyya finds these grounds in the Agent Intellect (who, probably, is the philosophical version of God) and in the human reason and conscience. Thus, the ideal of the philosophe and of the wise is the union of both together: the reason/conscience and Agent Intellect (...)
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    MARTIN, CHRISTOPHER, The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas. Introductory Readings, Routledge, London, 1988, 201 págs.Joaquín García Huidobro - 1989 - Anuario Filosófico 22 (1):191-193.
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  36. ¿ Filósofo San Agustín?Joaquín Iriarte - 1945 - Pensamiento 1 (3):275-298.
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  37. La controversia sobre la noción de filosofía cristiana.Joaquín Iriarte - 1945 - Pensamiento 1 (1):7-30.
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  38. Nueva contribución al estudio de la filosofía ibérica: L. Thomas," Geschichte el philosophie in Portugal".Joaquín Iriarte - 1945 - Pensamiento 1 (4):471-478.
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  39. Ecología y consumo.Joaquín García Roca - 2008 - Critica 58 (955):51-53.
    La preocupación por la tierra ocupa actualmente las agendas políticas y culturales de los gobiernos, de las empresas, de los medios de comunicación, de las organizaciones sociales y de las iglesias, a causa de la evolución del clima, la contaminación del aire y del agua, la destrucción de la capa de ozono, el deterioro de los sistemas biológicos, el efecto invernadero, el aumento de inundaciones y el deshielo de los polos. La Conferencia episcopal canadiense habla del "imperativo ecológico cristiano" (2003, (...)
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    Historias de las teorías evolucionistas.Joaquín Templado - 1974 - Madrid : Alhambra,:
  41. Economía ambiental y economía ecológica: técnica y política de la gestión ambiental.Joaquín Valdivielso - 1999 - Laguna:313-319.
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    Hermeneutics in Ordinary Language Expressions.Joaquin Zuñiga - 1995 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 28 (4):365 - 376.
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  43. A Causal-Mentalist View of Propositions.Jeremiah Joven Joaquin & James Franklin - 2022 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 29 (1):47-77.
    In order to fulfil their essential roles as the bearers of truth and the relata of logical relations, propositions must be public and shareable. That requirement has favoured Platonist and other nonmental views of them, despite the well-known problems of Platonism in general. Views that propositions are mental entities have correspondingly fallen out of favour, as they have difficulty in explaining how propositions could have shareable, objective properties. We revive a mentalist view of propositions, inspired by Artificial Intelligence work on (...)
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    Individual consistency in the accuracy and distribution of confidence judgments.Joaquín Ais, Ariel Zylberberg, Pablo Barttfeld & Mariano Sigman - 2016 - Cognition 146 (C):377-386.
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  45. Polémica entre Valla y el Brocense sobre los diminutivos. La cuestión de los nombres terminados en-aster.Joaquín Villalba Alvarez - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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  46. Informe sobre la sección de humanismo (III).Joaquín Pascual Barea - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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  47. A comparatio como técnica de composição do retrato tibério nos annales.Anderson de Araujo Martins Esteves - 2010 - Principia: Revista do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Orientais do Instituto de Letras 1 (20):103-116.
    Nesse artigo, trato da comparatio entre dois personagens, como forma de pôr em evidência qualidades ou defeitos, em comum (simile) ou em pares de contrários (contrarium), partindo do exemplo de Tibério, nos seis primeiros livros dos Annales. Para ajudar a compor o retrato do imperador nessa obra, Tácito emprega o simile, associando Tibério ao cruel Sejano, chefe da guarda, e o contrarium, comparando sua personagem principal ao herói militar Germânico.
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  48. A Liberdade No C'non Da Razão Pura: Uma Interpretação Alternativa: Série 2 / Freedom in the Canon of Pure Reason: an alternative interpretation.Julio Esteves - 2009 - Kant E-Prints 4:43-65.
    : It is often argued that while Kant grounds practical freedom in the idea of transcendental or absolute freedom in the Dialectic of the First Critique, he would have explicitly dissociated these concepts in the Canon. For, in contradiction with the Dialectic, Kant claims in the Canon that through experience we know practical freedom to be one of the natural causes and that the transcendental freedom could be left aside as irrelevant. These claims are usually interpreted in the light of (...)
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    DeFinettian Consensus.L. G. Esteves, S. Wechsler, J. G. Leite & V. A. González-López - 2000 - Theory and Decision 49 (1):79-96.
    It is always possible to construct a real function f, given random quantities X and Y with continuous distribution functions F and G, respectively, in such a way that f(X) and f(Y), also random quantities, have both the same distribution function, say H. This result of De Finetti introduces an alternative way to somehow describe the `opinion' of a group of experts about a continuous random quantity by the construction of Fields of coincidence of opinions (FCO). A Field of coincidence (...)
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    La materia en Averroes.Antonio Pérez Estevés - 1998 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 15:199.
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